
Join AAUW. Be part of a group that champions gender-fair education, civil rights, social security, reproductive choice, and much more! As an AAUW member, you’ll be proud to know you belong to a nationwide group of people who value education and equal rights … who are contributing to a more promising future for all women and girls…and who together provide a powerful voice for women and girls — a voice that cannot and will not be ignored. You’ll also have access to AAUW’s Membership Directory (in print or electronic format), which gives you access to AAUW colleagues.

AAUW is open to all graduates who hold the baccalaureate or higher degree from an accredited college or university or an associates or equivalent degree from a qualifying institution. AAUW values and seeks a diverse membership. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of gender, race, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability or class.

AAUW Member Benefits include:

Leadership development. AAUW’s leadership development program gives you an opportunity to hone your personal and professional leadership skills. Take advantage of AAUW’s Leadership Library, and consider serving on one of AAUW’s local, state, regional, and national boards, committees, and panels.

Your voice in Washington. If equity is at issue, we’re there. As an AAUW member, you will have a strong voice on Capitol Hill on legislation that will affect the lives of women and girls. AAUW’s more than 150,000 members and our branches in 1,500 communities guarantees that your message will be heard.

Educational opportunities. AAUW offers educational programs that promote gender, race, and class equity and help you develop your professional and personal skills. Programs are offered at conventions, in interactive workshops, in print, and online.

Relevant timely news and information. The award-winning magazine, AAUW Outlook, delivers close-ups of the women behind women’s rights from Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Shirley Chisholm, and Donna Shalala to exceptional women in grassroots America. Plus, AAUW publishes Get the Facts — a one page “alert” that informs you on how congressional proposals affect YOU … and what you can do to make a difference.

Foundation research. Take advantage of member-only rates on exciting and extensive research reports commissioned by AAUW’s Educational Foundation. The Foundation’s landmark research enables you to make a difference in the lives of women and girls for generations to come.

Updates on public policies that affect your life. Members receive briefings and fact sheets on critical policy issues as well as discounts on AAUW’s monthly policy newsletter, Action Alert.

Your connection with higher education. Learn about women challenging sex discrimination in higher education through AAUW’s Legal Advocacy Fund. And find out how you — or someone in your community — can take advantage of the Foundation’s $3 million in grants and fellowships awarded each year.

International equity. As an AAUW member, you’ll have a direct link to the International Federation of University Women — our sister organization promoting equity worldwide. Female AAUW members are automatically IFUW members.

AAUW website. AAUW’s website provides members with continually updated information on Foundation fellowships, grants, and awards, the latest Foundation research, links to Congress … and more. Plus, as a member of AAUW, you’ll get a special bonus: access to a password-protected Member Center, where you’ll find listservs, bulletin boards, chatrooms, and information provided exclusively to AAUW members. The site lets you cut through virtually reams of information and communicate directly with your AAUW colleagues and AAUW staff.


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