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2023 Tech Trek

Our Tenth Successful Tech Trek!


This year AAUW Tech Trek NM held our tenth camp for 60 girls from across NM. Thanks to all AAUW NM members who supported us in providing this wonderful program for our middle school young women!



The Trekkers attended STEM core classes, workshops, activities, and field tripswhile living in a dorm and eating in the school cafeteria at NM Tech at Socorro, NM, for the week.

Forty women spent the week with them, while another 30 provided programming during the week. And that doesn’t include the many members who interviewed girls and their families and/or read and evaluated essays the girls had written.


And, of course, we appreciate the many of you who donated your financial gifts to make this happen!

If you haven’t participated in the past, and have some way in which you’d like to in the future, please contact the camp directors, Helena Whyte ( or Cheri Burch (, or any other member of the Tech Trek board, Claudia Poglitsch, Phyllis Ludi, Mary Shaw, Mary Byers, Monique Dodd, Cheryl Kerby, Cheryl Leung, Tracy Lassiter, Gayla Walden, or Dana Roberson to volunteer time, money, or skills for Tech Trek 2024. We can always use more help!

Cheri Burch & Helena Whyte