Reproductive Rights

Rallying for Reproductive Rights

AAUW strongly condemns the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The decision overturns the landmark Roe v. Wade ruling that established abortion as a constitutionally protected right nearly 50 years ago. It also ignores the will of the American people, 80% of whom support legal abortion. (Read the full AAUW statement.) Without the protections provided by Roe, states now have broad leeway to legislate away basic reproductive rights. In the first half of 2022 alone, 12 states have enacted restrictions on abortion care and another 14 are expected to follow shortly. But it’s not all dire—11 states have countered with their own laws to strengthen and expand abortion rights.

Policy staff are listening closely to the top voices in the reproductive rights and health space while tracking the fallout from the Dobbs decision. As this summer unfolds, we will keep you up to date on grassroots advocacy opportunities and election-related activities. Just this morning, the White House announced the signing of an executive order to protect reproductive rights. It is an important first step, but there is more work to be done. For example, you can:

  • Learn more about the status of abortion rights in your state with the Guttmacher Institute’s 2022 policy analysis.
  • Take the opportunity to meet with your representatives on your home turf and hold in-district meetings to share your thoughts when Congress heads into recess in August.
  • Stay up to date on our coalition’s activities at
  • Reduce the stigma about abortion and reproductive rights by talking openly about these issues and how they’ve affected your own life and livelihood, along with those of the people you love.

“Activists and organizations in New Mexico came together in coalition years ago to ensure New Mexicans had abortion access, and in 2021 – by working with progressive legislators – they repealed a 1969 abortion ban that was still on the books. Those same groups continue to be in coalition and conversation with one another to come together as needed and when possible to take action.”

NB: links below go to organizations outside the AAUW Network. AAUW New Mexico is NOT responsible for their content.

Resources and Organizations in New Mexico:

National Resources and Organizations

Abortion Pills – These organizations and companies are providing education and access to safe and effective abortion pills:

Virtual Abortion Care – The virtual clinic model provides care that is private, safe, supportive, accessible, and convenient.

6/14/2024 rev.