- Executive Board: Joy Poole, Ruth Benjamins, Mary Sandford, Shelley Rossbach
- Ruth Benjamins giving Financial Report
- Mary Sandford sharing good news
- Mary Sandford presenting Honorable Mention award from National to Albuqueque Branch
- Mary Sanford & Ted Cooley (Albuquerque Branch Co-President) with Breaking Through Barriers award
- Nina Thayer & Women Across Borders poster
- Honorable Mention award given by National to AAUW-NM for this project
- LTM AAUW-NM members attending Summer Meeting in Las Vegas, NM
- LTM AAUW-NM members attending Summer meeting in Las Vegas, NM
- Mary Sandford & Karyl Lyne summarizing their time at AAUW National Convention in June 2011