2013 Spring State Convention and Team Leadership Meeting
Carlsbad, NM, April 19-21, 2013
- Carlsbad NM CoPres-Lyne & Rossbach conducting LTM
- AAUW-NM LTM members #1
- AAUW-NM LTM members #2
- AAUW-NM LTM members #3
- Welcome by Carlsbad Mayor Dale Janway
- Introductions by Roxanne Laura
- Keynote speaker Jayann Sepich
- Convention body listening to Jayann
- lia sophia jewelry fundraiser hosted by Kay Williams
- AAUW-NM Convention body
- Charlotte Roybal (Dir of Santa Fe Policy Connections West)-policy issues of Affordable Care Act
- Dr.Julio Munoz-overview of Affordable Care Act
- Q&A-Roybal & Munoz
- Sheila Blackbourn-Work Life Balance
- Candice Nance-Let’s have Dinner A program to Feed your Principles
- Candice’s entertaining assistant!
- Mary Sandford presenting AAUW-NM Convention business
- Ruth Benjamins presenting 2013-2014 AAUW-NM budget
- View of the Pecos River from Conv site -#1
- View of the Pecos River from Conv site -#2
- Evening festivities-Ruth Benjamins(LC),Sheila Portillo (Carlsbad), Bonnie Eisenberg(LC), Shelley Rossbach(SF)
- AAUW-NM Co Presidents – Shelley Rossbach & Karyl Lyne
- Evening Pecos River cruise #1
- Evening Pecos River cruise #2
- View of the Pecos from the river boat
- Carol Parr’s house – AAUW-NM Conv banquet activities
- Cas Mason presenting GraceBarkerWilson Award to Helena Whyte(LA)
- Installation of Officers-Lyne presiding
- Installation of Officers-Rossbach presiding
- Carlsbad Convention organizers-Norma Castaneda,Karen Nelson,Mary Sandford
- Karen Nelson presiding over SunMorn convention activities
- Co-Pres Sunday Morning-recognizing Shelley’s birthday
- Julia Brown(LC)-AAUW VP candidate
- Brown sharing her credentials & qualifications
- Roxanne-Incognito Lisa Maatz AAUW Public Policy via phone
- 2012-2014 AAUW-NM CoPres – Shelley Rossbach & Karyl Lyne