Public Policy

The Front Lines of Public Policy

“At AAUW, we believe that when women vote, we change the conversation. This year, we want every woman to understand the connection between voting and policies affecting education and economic security for women. With so much at stake, our It’s My Vote! campaign provides nonpartisan resources and training so women have the information they need to ask critical questions so they can make an informed decision this election cycle. “

Statement of Non-PartisanshipAAUW does not support or oppose candidates for public office or take a stand for or against any political party. We encourage active and informed participation in American democracy.

AAUW-NM Public Policy Priorities 2023-25 1p one sided handout

AAUW-NM Public Policy Priorities 2023-25 1:2p

Get involved. Together, we can change federal, state and local policies to advance gender equality!

New Mexico:

Join our AAUW New Mexico Advocacy Team

Find your NM Legislator – Search both Representative and Senator on this page.

AAUW-NM Guide to the New Mexico Legislature Website

Additional New Mexico Public Policy information



6/14/2024 rev.