AAUW-NM Ingenious Ideas Award

AAUW-NM Ingenious Ideas Award  


Description: Award given annually to AAUW-NM branches for innovative and successful mission-based programs, activities, or governance practices. This award was originally created and inspired by Marjorie Bell Chambers and Gloria Cordova, both long-time AAUW members and mentors.

Purpose: To recognize groundbreaking and outstanding branch programs, activities, fundraising ideas, member recruitment activities, and governance practices. To encourage mission-based programs and provide tested ideas for other branches to replicate.

Criteria (must meet one or more):

  • Innovative and successful mission-based branch program
  • Successful new branch activity or new collaboration (within the past 3 years)
  • Innovative and successful membership recruitment activity
  • Innovative and successful fundraising activity
  • New and successful governance practice (within the past 3 years)
Who nominates Branch board, council, or president/facilitator
Nomination deadline March 17
Nomination process Complete a nomination form on the AAUW-NM website and send to AAUW-NM Awards Chair.
Selection process AAUW-NM Awards Committee chooses winner.
When awarded AAUW-NM convention
Award Check for $75 to one branch for best idea. All nominations that meet one or more award criteria are recognized at convention, published in Summer Roadrunner, and posted on AAUW-NM website.
Award budget $75
Review cycle Reviewed by Leadership Team every four years.